Early Educator Central is an online portal developed to support infant toddler educators. The site is a jointly funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Care, and Office of Head Start. Early Educator Central promotes infant-toddler educators gaining degrees and credentials using existing federally funded resources. This site provides an index of coursework to support infant-toddler educators, including center- and home-based/family child care teachers. The coursework offered on the site is at low or no cost. To build on the site’s links to professional development offerings, links to professional development providers offering additional coursework or material that meets the criteria listed below will be added to the site.by offering direct links to the PD provider’s learning management system.
Overarching principle for inclusion on Early Educator Central:
For coursework or training to be included on the EEC Website, the subject matter should be:
Step One: Review and check off the characteristics below that your professional development meets:
Step Two: Complete the following by checking yes or no in the last column of the Decision Making Matrix below. Add any additional comments in the same space.
* The term "material" is used for resource materials and includes documents, journal articles, charts, briefs, etc.
**Course must meet all required fields and score at least 100/175 points to be accepted for inclusion on EEC.
Step Three: Course Information:
Please select at least one option.
Name and Email Address of the Agency or Institution Representative
Please allow up to 60 days for a final decision.