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Research Connections

Resource Connections

Research Connections provides free, searchable, on-line access to over 33,000 research publications and research documents related to early care and education. These include journal articles, research reviews, government and think tank reports, fact sheets, and briefs.

The Search Box that appears at the top right corner of every page on the Research Connections website lets you conduct full-text searches of the more than 33,000 publications, instruments, and datasets in the Research Connections collection. Click on the Search Tips link near the Search Box for more information on how to construct your search.

Suggested search terms include: infant toddler teaching practices; infant toddler curriculum; infant toddler professional development; infant toddler credential; infant toddler training; infant toddler teachers.

Research Connections allows you to narrow your results by search filters. The screenshot below is of a typical search results page and shows the filtering options, which include: resource type (such as reports, literature reviews, fact sheets and briefs), author, topics from our topical classification system of early care and education subject terms, and publication date range.

Research Connections